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The Mindset of Coach Armstrong

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With the season over, The world wants to know what Coach Armstrong is thinking?


So we went to the hometown of the Sentinels head coach, Tampa Bay, FL.  And as always, he kept it to the point, saying," It was hard losing the way we did at that moment when you think you have the game won and you turnover the ball. It is what it is and nothing is going to change it now. I would like to congratulate my division rival, The Toronto Huskies, on a hard fought battle against the high powered Toronto Thunderbirds, to win the RFL Bowl.


Back to the Sentinels, I've noticed that I have the right formula and it's been proven, getting to the playoffs back to back seasons. I have to admit that I was the teams weakest link, I went away from what was working to try in balance out the offense to get all the pressure off DeAndre. Never once did he waiver away from the responsibility and we were winning. I take that blame and now it's back to the drawing board.


I'm not sure who's retiring as of yet, but I have my eyes set on filling some key positions in this offseason.  Took the team fishing and we talked about what's next? I've earned their trust and they believe in me to get the job done. I haven't won the Bowl yet, but everyone knows who the Sentinels are now. 2 dynamic rookies that carried the team to 2 winning seasons, Trey last year and DeAndre this year. The amazing play of the AFC LB of the year, the veteran, Dondi Woods. The defensive Player of the AFC, Wendall DeManche.


The whole team as a whole. This is not the end of our domination. I was outcoached this year. Now, it's back to zero - zero. Time get ready to climb that mountain again! Be on the lookout for another dominant defensive onslaught! We move to the AFC East to take on the Dublin Celtic Tigers, London Black Knights and   London Bulldogs. I want to wish my division rivals the best and I look forward to playing you eventually. To my division, I hope you guys ready, because I'm bringing the BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!  See y'all next year!


Written by: Tor Armstrong




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